I'm using this title and blog idea from another blog I've been reading lately.
This is a rant, so if you don't want to read it, look away now. You have been duly warned...
So a friend of mine invited the kids and I over to her neighborhood pool this week. Which sent me into panic mode as I ran upstairs to dig through my swimsuits. Never have I been a fan of swimsuits or anything that requires a suit- and that was pre-baby body! As I tried on my swimsuits and crossed my fingers that one would look decent, and then cringed as I saw myself in the mirror, I began to slip into a funk. UGH! I can (somewhat) deal with not fitting into my normal clothes yet. And I am being proactive by working out 7 days a week, letting Jillian Michaels kick my butt, and sweating, sweating, sweating it all away in my basement between baby catnaps and screaming fussy fits. Thinking about going back to work with a very diminished wardrobe makes me nervous, to say the least. Watching the calendar slip closer towards August makes me anxious about what I'm going to wear- the jeans and t-shirts of my summer wardrobe are not appropriate for teaching!
GRRR. So frustrated. And NOT looking forward to the swimming pool tomorrow. Visions of kids crying and running away in terror... But I hope the babies have fun! We already talked about no peeing in the pool.
Hello world!
1 year ago
Girl, I'm sure you are being way to hard on yourself! Megan said you don't even look like you had babies, so keep that in the forefront of your mind tomorrow and always! Remember that it took 9 months for you to grow two healthy babies and it could take 9 months for you to get that body back. I will tell you that even now, two years later, my body is still changing. I'm smaller than I was last summer, but my body is def different from before the girls. It can be frustrating, but don't push yourself too hard and just remember the miracle that God gave us to be able to grow humans! :) Pretty amazing