Please don't misinterpret our blog - being parents of two is really hard. Both our babies were diagnosed with Gastroesophogeal Reflux (heartburn, basically) and we've been messing with prescriptions and dosages with the pediatrician, trying to get it right. We thought that was why Graham screamed his head off (and our ears off) every night sometime between 5:30 and 8:00. Inconsolable, painful, earsplitting sobs that make him sweat and turn his face red. Not only is it difficult to listen to your baby scream and not be able to help, but it's hard to listen to period. I love the afternoons when Tim comes home, but I hate the evenings because I know they will inevitably bring the onslaught of tears and tantrums, and I don't have the answer.
Then it dawned on us: Graham has colic. I have been keeping a daily journal of what each kiddo does and when, and Graham- our sweet little cuddly man, cries most of the time he's awake. Lately it hasn't even been at night, I get the added bonus of daytime screamfests as well. And then Kennedy started in on the fun. I guess she thought she was missing out? Really, we think because she is smaller she is just a few weeks behind Graham developmentally, which means she may have developed colic a few weeks later, too.
Isn't it hard enough to have twins? But then throw in reflux AND colic and some days it's more than we can bear. Many times I have held my little man and cried with him, a helpless mommy with too many questions and no answers. Like, "how can this be fair?"
We're still hoping to hit the jackpot with their medicine, still hoping to find a magical answer online, or hoping one evening he'll just stop crying... in the meantime I've decided to stop giving them breast milk in case it's something I've been eating that's making them so miserable. The list of food on the "DO NOT EAT" list is too much to contemplate unless you have a chef making your food for you! I mean, I barely have time to scarf down a Lean Cuisine with one baby in my arms and the other possibly crying in the bouncy seat to make sure I have enough energy to get through the afternoon. So we'll try just plain formula for a few days to see if that's part of the answer. That didn't work so well today, Graham spent all but one hour of being awake screaming and crying - including through his bottles.
Until then, we're waiting for it to get better, like everyone keeps telling us it will be...
Hello world!
1 year ago
Twinfants IS HARD!!!!!! It's different than having 2 kids...there is something unique about it - maybe the fact that both rely on you for everything. I think it's more common for twins to have reflux too... Sounds like you are doing a great job despite the mountains! I know "it'll get easier" doesn't help the screaming - but it SOOOO does. If you ever need some sympathetic ears, I can shoot you my number.
ReplyDeleteI love you and I'll be praying for all 4 of you as everything gets worked out. I'm sorry that you're going through so much.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to worry about me mis-reading your blog, I can so relate to this post! I'm so sorry that you guys are dealing with this as I know it is so hard and indescribably FRUSTRATING! Ella had reflux/colic and it was just miserable. She too was worse at night, so I also went to bed dreading the night time. We took her to a specialist also, but unfortunately, none of the meds helped. She seemed to get worse when she tried the medications and it wasn't until she reached the 12 lb mark (around 4 mos) that she finally grew out of the reflux/colic. I say this just so you know b/c it was a little sugar coated for me and I kept waiting for a miracle. I'll pray that this is over soon for you guys, but as always, remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I forgot to mention something. Have you guys tried Gripe Water? It can be found in the baby sect at Walgreens and at Babies R Us. We used it for Ella and it did seem to help calm her at times. It is a natural med that can be given every hr...didn't make things go away, but def helped a lot! You should try some if you guys haven't yet :)
ReplyDeleteWe went through Colic with Logan and the reflux with Kyleigh. I feel your pain. The only advise I can offer is that if you are trying out formula please, please, please give Nestle Good Start a try. It is the only one that would work for both kids without making them gassy and fussy. I have recomended it to several friends and all of them swear by it once they tried it. Good luck!!!