Today was a hard day, as we gathered together to honor my Grandma Cleda. Her service was lovely, and she was remembered by lots of people who loved her dearly. I wish I had the strength to stand up and tell everyone at the funeral what she meant to me, but I didn't think I had it in me today. So please bear with me as I try to put into words all that I felt for my Sweet Grandma, knowing it will never capture the amazing person that she was.
Grandma, you were one of the strongest, most patient. loving and kind people I have ever met. You fought an uphill battle most of your life, and you never complained. Instead you cherished all the goodness you found in people and in your circumstances. You found the positive in everything. Regardless of the challenges you met, you just kept pushing ahead. Since I can remember you always put other people and their wishes ahead of yourself- part of your giving and loving persona. I want to be just like you when I grow up.
It was such a blessing that my babies got to meet you. They won't remember of course, but I will- it is somthing I will cherish forever. I promise that I will tell them stories about you and tell them how much you loved them, so they will know you, too. It is so sad to me that they will not get to see your charming smile and hear you laugh, and feel your hugs and kisses that always meant so much. But they will know your love, I promise.
You have left your mark on the world, and it is such a better place for it. We are better people for having known you. You have been waiting such a long time to be with Grandpa again, I'm happy for you that you can meet him in God's kingdom. But I miss you so much...
Rest well, Sweet Girl. Goodnight.
Hello world!
1 year ago
Your Grandma Cleda was a beautiful. Your tribute to her was astonishing. I only knew her for a little over 4 years she was a beautiful person. Despite all of her health problems, she never did complain. You could see how happy she was when she was with her family. Now she is in heaven with your Grandpa. Just remember she is with you always and praying for you in heaven.
Grandpa Glenn and Grandma Diane
Love you, Grandma.