Okay, let me preface this story by saying, Tim left for China last Sunday and will be gone for 2 weeks. So... I've been a single Momma to my two precious toddlers all week. And this week has been my first week back to school, my car battery died so I had to find a way to get it to the dealership (I mean, what if it was the alternator?) and then a way to pick it up when in fact, it WAS just the battery. Needless to say, with all that crazy going on this week, I just didn't get to spend the quality time with Kennedy and Graham that I wanted too. And we were all missing our days of summer when we spent all day together.
Friday night with nothing to do but dinner and a bath, we had lots of time to relax and have fun! Life was good until bath time...
Kennedy was fighting me, she did NOT want to get out of the bathtub. So I got her wet and slippery little self out of the tub and she was fussing because she wanted to "refill the fish" (her squirt toy) and I really didn't want to get her semi-dried body wet again. Then she started fussing because SHE wanted to put the lotion on herself, and push the pump to get the lotion out. Fine. So I let her do her thing and got Graham out of the tub (by the way, he came out easy as could be and let me dry him off and do the lotion thing...) In the meantime, when I tried to use the lotion for G, Kennedy pulled it back and hit herself in the face with it, so she started really crying then! Calmed her down, then got her ready to put on her pjs. No "Kinny do it!" when I tried to help her put on her panties. Sigh. Fine. Then she started crying because she wanted my help. Sigh. Okay. Then she started fussing because I wanted to help her put on her pj pants. "NO, KINNY DO IT!" Sigh. Okay, fine. Then she had trouble so she started wining because she needed help again. SIGH. Okay, no problem. All the while, poor Graham was doing great getting his pjs on by himself- good thing or he would have been a popsicle by the time I'd gotten to him to get him dressed!
Finally get back downstairs just in time for Tim to call, and the kids were so excited! While we were chatting with Daddy, Kennedy let me know, "Mommy, my pants are wet!" Sure enough, she had peed a little in her panties. So we got her a night diaper (almost time for bed at this point anyway) but "No, mommy! I go peepee on the potty!" okay, fine. She can go by herself, so I let her go in while Graham and I talked to Tim. Literally a minute later Kennedy came in and said "Mommy, it's all wet!" Huh? Kennedy had tried to "clean" her toilet and spilled some on the floor. SIGH. So we put her diaper on and she went off to look for her my little pony. Graham and I were telling Daddy how he was being such a good boy while I put his diaper on. Then, a crash. Crap, Tim we'd better get off the phone! I ran into the bathroom where the source of the crash originated- there was water ALL OVER THE FLOOR! Ummm.... Kennedy had decided to clean the floor and filled the potty bucket up with water from the sink- this kid must have filled it all the way up. I mean water. ev. ery. where. SIGH! Of course at this point my Kennedy girl was a hot mess, water/pee all over her legs and crying hard. And then I feel a little tap on my leg. I looked down and Graham had the towel that was by the back door for the dog's feet. "Here Mommy, I clean it." Precious boy!
So we wipe up the mess, to be thoroughly cleaned up after the munchkins were in bed. Drag Kennedy back to where the wipes are to give her an impromptu bath and she is really cranked up now. I mean, sobbing hard. I felt bad for her, but I was so frustrated too! Got her cleaned up and pj pants on and she kept crying for her Minny and JoJo dolls. I told her "Kennedy, if you're so crabby and going to keep crying, why don't you just go up to bed?!?" (don't judge...)
In the smallest, most dejected, hiccup-crying voice she said "o-o-okay" and picked up her dolls and headed for the stairs. Well, I felt like the worst Mom in the world! "Oh Kinny, I'm sorry. You don't have to go to bed." So we cuddled for a few minutes. Poor girl! Poor mommy. Sweet Graham.
A little later, we were getting ready to head up to bed, and I noticed the tv remote was not in it's spot. Uummmm.... crap. So we went on a scavenger hunt for the stupid thing. We. Looked. Everywhere! Couldn't find it. Graham decided it was probably upstairs, so we went upstairs instead to look for the remote, snuggle in bed , sing songs and read a book. Kennedy went to bed first, then I walked Graham in his room to put him to bed while Graham was "looking". Then it as time for G to head to bed- with a new book and truck he'd picked up on his remote hunt ::eyeroll:: We climbed into his bed and I asked him "Graham, do you know where the remote is?" (he's very good at hiding things in obscure places, it wouldn't be beyond my scope of imagination that he had put it away). "yep, it's downstairs." Right. Get in bed, G. Then I asked him "Graham Michael, what am I going to do with you guys?!?"
"Um, take 'em back!" I laughed so hard! Then I told him I thought the 90 day return policy was expired and I was stuck with them. But that's okay, they were stuck with me too. "Yeah Mommy, stick with us!" I will Boogaboo, I will!
Moral of the story, my kids are adorable- even when they are being stinkers, crabby or tired. :)
p.s. after looking all over for the remote- I mean tearing through drawers and toys and bags and anywhere else you could imagine, I decided to give up and go clean the bathroom floor. There it was, on top of the toilet paper holder!?!? Not sure about how it got there (though I have my suspicions) but I'm glad I found it! I really didn't want to watch Disney channel for the next week.
Hello world!
1 year ago