Tim's cousin, Allan, passed away yesterday during an outing on Lake Carlyle with his friends. He was 17 years young and will truly be missed. He had a great smile and was always willing to lend a helping hand. What greater gift than to lie down one's life for a friend...
Allan was with some friends in a boat when one of his friends lost his hat in the wind. His friend went to jump into the water after it. After a few moments, Allan found that he was struggling to stay afloat, so he jumped in after him. Unfortunately, the lake conditions were very brutal with a howling wind, and Allan soon began to struggle also. Their boat was late to circle back around to pick them up because it had stalled out - a few precious moments lost. One of his other friends, a certified life guard, was able to safe his friend, but not Allan. He lost his battle with the waves before she could get back him around 3:23pm. His body was found hours later around 7:15 in just 12 feet of water. Another story of a beautiful life lost to tragedy...
Hello world!
11 months ago
this is beautiful. There is a honor party for Alan on Dec 18 for a way to raise a scholarship in his memory.