Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 21, 2010

34 Week Pic

Here is our 34 week picture. So far, there are no indications that the babies will arrive soon. They could be here tomorow or up to 4 weeks from now. We can't wait to meet them! The nursery is done and everything is in its place. Tim even installed the Graco bases in the cars. We're about as ready as we're going to be. : )

Heather is still doing good. No issues except for lack of sleep and being uncomfortable. She is still going to work and has finally decided that she needs to stop working out.

Monday, February 8, 2010

32 Week Appointment

Today, we had our 32 week appointment. From now on, we are going to the doctor every week until the babies come. Heather is doing great. Blood pressure is normal. Its because she is still working out on the eliptical - definitely dedicated. : )

We also got to see the babies, possibly for the last time, unless we make it to 36 weeks. Then, we will have another ultrasound. Graham was definitely hogging all the space. He is bigger at about 4lb 12oz. Poor Kennedy was all scrunched up and weighs about 4lb. She is just fine though. She will be a perfect little ballerina. : )

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dad's 60th birthday

Yesterday was Tim's dad's (Glenn) 60th birthday party. We had a lot of fun with friends and family. Dad even got up and performed one of his famous speeches/roasts. : ) Here are a few pictures.