Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 24, 2010

3D Ultrasound Pictures at 22.5 weeks

We think these pictures are gorgeous. They are a little old, 22.5 weeks into our pregnancy but we wanted to wait until after Christmas to post them, because we surprised our parents with picture albums and DVDs of the babies... and then we just didn't get around to posting them. Well, a month later... :)

Since this is our first pregnancy (and maybe only?) in early November we decided to get 3D ultrasound pictures of our babies. Because they are twins, the receptionist at Ultrasona suggested we come in before 24 weeks- apparently the bigger they are the harder it is to see all their baby parts. We now realize this was a great idea, because at our 28 week ob appointment it was really hard to see faces and get measurements. It was hard to tell whose legs were whose! The 3D pictures would have been even cuter if they'd been a little chubbier, but we still think they're adorable anyway. It was fun to see them moving around, and we felt like we could see their personalities a little, too. Kennedy's head was on Graham's chest for most of the session. Graham was all stretched out, sleeping like his Daddy, and Kennedy was curled up in a tight little ball. She has her Momma's dance genes, for sure- toward the end of the session her feet were above her head (in Graham's face, by the way) and her knees were touching her nose! She's my graceful little ballerina :)

Graham was so sleepy, he gave us a great big yawn! If you're having trouble reading the picture, his face is toward the top, middle of the pic and his eyes are closed. His head is stretched upward a little bit.

Doesn't it look like Graham is sleeping so peacefully? You can see the top of Kennedy's head in the bottom left corner, snuggling with her brother.

Graham is such a happy baby already! Look at his great big smile!

Kennedy was a sleepy baby too. The ultrasound tech kept wiggling the wand on my
belly to try to wake her up. In case you're having trouble distinguishing the picture, it's kind of a profile shot, and she's facing the right side of the picture. She's yawning and has her little fist up in front of her face. I love this picture, it makes me want to yawn, too!

Now Kennedy is showing off her gracefulness- her skinny arm is up in front of her face but you can see her nose and lips poking out from behind her arm. You can also see her ribs through her skin- don't worry, she's a lot more chubby now. I put some meat on her bones!

This picture cracks me up- she's curled up in a ball with her little hand splayed out like she's blocking something- we think she's saying "I'm tired, no more pictures please!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

29 week pic and first class

This week we started our baby classes at MO Baptist. Unfortunately, we didnt find out about a multiples class at St Johns until it was too late. The instructer was really nice, and we even learned three new breathing techniques. That is our homework for this week. : ) Most of the other couples were nice, but there was one husband who thought he was a jokster, which was a little annoying. We have three more classes to go, so the babies need to wait until we graduate. : )

Here is the 29 week baby bump pic:

Saturday, January 9, 2010

28 Weeks

Here is an update on the little ones from

Sunday, January 3, 2010

27 Week update

This week, the babies are almost 2 lbs and about 14.5" long. Here is a picture of the lovely mommy-to-be.

We were also able to finish the curtains and hang the pictures on the wall in the nursery. The only thing that is missing is the babies. : )